Welcome To Our School
Welcome to Carmel Community Arts and Technology Charter School.Carmel was Arizona's first charter school and has recieved APBA Accreditation.
Located at: 97 W. Oakland Chandler, AZ 85225
Phone - 480-899-6600 Fax - 480-899-4122 Contact - Ellen Brent
Bisbee Campus
325 Arizona St. Bisbee, AZ 85603 Phone - 520-432-5544 Phone 520-432-5151 Fax - 520-432-3863
Mission Statement The mission of Carmel Community Arts & Technology School is to provide the opportunity for a viable, Comprehensive student-driven education for unique learners. Our goals are to motivate students, foster responsibility, mentor and facilitate learning and prepare students for a successful post-seondary life.
Tuition Free Chartered Public School Comprehensive Academic Program Computer Based Curriculum Performing Arts Visual Arts Integrated Arts Curriculum
Project Based
Individualized Learing Plan
Facilitated Instruction
Multiple Learning Strategies
Mulitiple Assessments and State Testing
Portfolio and Performance Based Assessments
Small teacher/Student Ratio
Family and Community Oriented
For information or registration on our Summer Institutes for Teachers please click on " Custom Page" on the left hand side of this page.
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The Bull Dogs.

The Arts, Technology & Education School